About Parasolve Nigeria

Parasolve Nigeria

Parasolve Nigeria is an indigenous Oil servicing company instituted to deliver environmentally conscious solution in the Oil and gas and process industry to eliminate ubiquitous hydrocarbon restriction in oil wells, pipelines, tanks and other hydrocarbon processing systems.

Our primary focus is to help our clients with oil field services using effective products and techniques for Oil well services and oil flow optimization.

The green solution in eliminating hydrocarbon restriction was borne out of utmost concern and desire for the safety and health of the oil worker, and due consideration for the preservation of the ecosystem which cannot be guaranteed by other traditional methods of removing hydrocarbon restrictions such as the use of Xylene and Toluene based chemical programs, diesel fuels, surfactants, condensates and hot oiling. These traditional methods pose health problems to the oil field worker, are harmful to wildlife, destroy the environment and can cause an upsurge in the rate of equipment failure.

Parasolve Nigeria has joined forces with Parasolve Canada to deploy blends that are 100% plant based, natural, non-toxic and safe to use.
The key benefit is not only the ability to dissolve hydrocarbon based deposits such as paraffin wax, asphaltene and bitumen, but also hold them in a permanent oil soluble suspension that will not precipitate back into a solid state in the well or flow line.

Our approach is non intrusive and will result in better control over your well flow and production in a green and sustainable manner.